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A spot of Yuletide yearning for...
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If anyone can make guns, crime,...
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Ice cream shooting out of a man's jeans - hm, pretty weird!
Mini-movie from British Airways...
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Okay, so this one isn't an ad per se, but with so many of us groping in the dark for explanations as to what artificial intelligence (AI) is, how it's already playing a huge role in everyday life, an easily understood breakdown of this area has to be helpful. The outfit behind it is established news media wire, Associated Press (AP). Be it utility, creativity, or mere wastefulness, the agendas behind AI continu... Read More
Taking a new approach to road safety, Volvo Car India teams up with renowned international artist Dr. Subodh Kerkar for this compelling two-minute reminder about the significance of the humble zebra crossing (also known as pedestrian crossing though the two are slightly different). A simple, effective mechanism designed for road safety, the first such crossing (according to AI Overview) "was marked in Sloug... Read More
Hijab-wearing Muslim model Ikram Abdi, 28, steps out in Jimmy Choo's new collection, deploying her trademark elegance to enhance the iconic shoe designer's latest creations, which feature perforations, shimmer suede, and crystal detailing. English/Swedish/Somali Abdi has become a standout figure in the movement towards a more inclusive fashion industry, with broad appeal for the many who wish to unite the latest ... Read More
Iconic British brand Rolls-Royce is off to a cracking 2025, and this 'Landmark' look-back over 2024 from one of its divisions explains the luxury success thread. Rolls-Royce Motor Cars - owned by German firm BMW since 2003 - recently announced an investment exceeding £300 million to extend its manufacturing facility at the home of Rolls-Royce at Goodwood in the UK. "This is the next step in our commitment to creating value fo... Read More