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A spot of Yuletide yearning for...
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If anyone can make guns, crime,...
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Ice cream shooting out of a man's jeans - hm, pretty weird!
Developed in Australia after im...
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Depending on your own leanings, you'll find this Amusing, Controversial, Creative and/or Informative. For the moment, we're popping it into our Amusing category. It's a two-minute movie trailer parody playing with artificial intelligence (AI) and the fictional detective character of Sherlock Holmes, created at the end of the 19th century by British writer and physician Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The Holmes character cont... Read More
This one-minute campaign aims to make a right out of two (perceived) wrongs - the only Romanian banknote to feature a women enjoyed only a limited circulation before being withdrawn; and The National Contraception Plan exists 'only on paper' - in order to galvanise people into action over the need for free contraception nationwide. Titled 'Pass The Bill', the thriller/suspense-style ad centres arou... Read More
Taking a new approach to road safety, Volvo Car India teams up with renowned international artist Dr. Subodh Kerkar for this compelling two-minute reminder about the significance of the humble zebra crossing (also known as pedestrian crossing though the two are slightly different). A simple, effective mechanism designed for road safety, the first such crossing (according to AI Overview) "was marked in Sloug... Read More
And Maxwell Chikumbutso's invention - supported by the nation's President Emmerson Mnangagwa - is sparking debate worldwide as it opens up the possibility of cars running on the radio frequencies already all around us. Some say Nicola Tesla predicted all this 100 years ago, others that non-fuel vehicles seem too good to be true and must be a scam, and many others are proud of the young man carry... Read More