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"You need to change that rule right now" - UK men/women pension gap

"You need to change that rule right now" - UK men/women pension gap by Tree Elven on 09/03/2021
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Punchy 30-second campaign featuring young British girls learning that on average, women in their twenties today are on course to retire with £100,000 less in their pension than men the same age (Source: Scottish Widows), and that to get the same size pension as a man, they would have to start work a lot younger. In other words, about the age the girls in the ad are. Check out their reactions to the information and see if you agree. Life insurance and pensions company Scottish Widows - a subsidiary of Lloyds Bank based in Edinburgh - says that this skewing affects millions of women around the UK, with many not knowing it’s a problem until it’s too late. Women already face being £100k worse off than their male counterparts when they reach retirement due to challenges including reducing hours to look after children and being more likely to work in currently shut-down industries, such as retail and hospitality. This means that women face needing to work far longer in order to catch up to the same size pot. As well as raising awareness of the issue and encouraging women to take action, Scottish Widows are taking on the gap by lobbying the government and by working with employer pension schemes across the UK. What do you think of the ad?

Keywords: Scottish Widows, £100k pension gap, closing the gender inequality pension gap, women's pensions UK, adam&eveDDB


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