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Whose face should appear on the $20 bill?

Whose face should appear on the $20 bill? by Tree Elven on 22/03/2021
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Ours! Yours! Theirs! Hers! His! Mine! Talk about identifying with the audience - this new US bank, Varo, illustrates its credo of financial inclusivity to great impact in this fresh vision of how banknotes could look. "Every person, regardless of net worth, should be treated fairly by a bank that wants them to succeed," says San Francisco-based financial services company Varo, which was set up in 2015. In a financial environment dominated by such barriers as credit scores, and punitive measures such as charges instead of assistance for overdraft situations, Varo's mobile-only option offers an enticing set-up process for everyone - including the increasing numbers of 'precariats' and other workers with sporadic income. Its very low-fee account involves no monthly fees, overdraft fees, foreign transaction fees, or incoming and outgoing transfer fees. What do you think of the animation style of the ad? Engaging? What about how it looks at the issue of whose face goes on the US$20 bills / banknotes? The campaign has launched - coincidentally, it appears - at a time when the idea of US slavery abolitionist ad political activist Harriet Tubman being protrayed on the $20 notes is being revisited.

Keywords: Varo Bank, fairer banking, financial inclusivity, mobile banking, banks for everyone, fintech, digital-first banking, Serviceplan New York, St Elmos Germany, Scholar Productions


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