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'Who's got time to go on a march?'

'Who's got time to go on a march?' by Tree Elven on 20/04/2023
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That's the key question in this campaign from UK-headquartered global environmental movement Extinction Rebellion (XR). The short footage highlights how well-intentioned people can get worn down by the wear and tear of everyday stresses to the point where any kind of pushback or challenge to, or choice over how our society works simply seems un-doable. The campaign launched just before 'The Big One' - a weekend of protest in London. XR was founded in 2018 with the stated aim of "using non-violent civil disobedience to compel government action to avoid tipping points in the climate system, biodiversity loss, and the risk of social and ecological collapse". The Big One brought together other major organisations such as Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth for the 'United to Survive' weekend consisting of four days of speakers, performers and workshops mingling with tens of thousands of other protesters throughout Westminster and at the Houses of Parliament. Not sure you’ll make a difference? asks XR. "Every single person makes us collectively more powerful, and makes our voices harder for the Government to ignore. Just imagine what thousands of us working together could do. We can make this the biggest climate protest ever held in the UK – something that is talked about for generations. We can bring about change. We can turn the tide. But first, we need to show up." What do you think of the ad illustrating our individual and collective exhaustion and apathy?

Keywords: Extinction Rebellion 'Choose Your Future', XR April 2023 protest weekend, XR The Big One London, social protest UK, Coffee & TV


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