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White-top wit from Guinness as pubs re-open

White-top wit from Guinness as pubs re-open by Tree Elven on 13/05/2021
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  • Amusing
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If you've been seeing that thick foaming white top to a glass of dark Guinness in everything over the lockdown months, you'll relate to this one straightaway. Perhaps even non-stout fans will get the gentle wit. The classic song ‘Always On My Mind’ forms an appropriate backdrop for the messa ge.The prospect of pubs re-opening paves the way for gatherings in the original setting that 'facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and information through the building of networks and communities' (adapted from the definition of social media). What do you think of the campaign? Do you know that cat?

Keywords: Guinness Welcome Back, pubs reopen UK, UK pubs, hospitality and COVID, AMV BBDO


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