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White House reveals "the one thing that makes us all more attractive"

White House reveals "the one thing that makes us all more attractive" by Tree Elven on 02/06/2021
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In a move that may surprise many, the US government put out an 'incredible ad' with this ringing endorsement of a slew of top-selling online dating apps, most of which belong to the same company, Match Group, Inc. As the administration's COVID-19 response adviser Andy Slavitt explains the "universally attractive quality" the partnership promotes, presidential medical adviser Dr Anthony Fauci - himself undergoing a grilling in the Senate over his role in the crisis - covers his eyes and appears to have difficulty holding in laughter. What's your response to the campaign to encourage more people to get the COVID-19 jab? Good sense, outrageous, not a big deal? It follows similar 'incentives' and rewards such as free beer (Budweiser) and $50 grocery/similar vouchers for residents of California under a lottery scheme. "You have to persuade different people in different ways," says one viewer tolerantly." Absurd and appalling," says a US-born communications professional. "Were they doing a parody? Who would promote this message as the official government statement?" Dating, like most social activities, has seen an online boom during the COVID-related restrictions across the globe. Many seeking love, sex and companionship have suffered loneliness and frustration as a result of restrictions to actually meeting others in person. This partnership endorsement is seen by critics as playing on people's desperation after the curtailment of their social and intimate lives by holding out the lure of more sex / interest for those who've had the shot. As another viewer points out, "it's an incredible ad for the major profit-making dating apps. It will be interesting to see what happens to their stocks as a result." Your thoughts are invited.

Keywords: White House partnership dating apps, online dating, COVID and dating, incentives for COVID shot, government endorsement


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