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When good dogs make bad decisions....

When good dogs make bad decisions.... by Tree Elven on 21/04/2022
  • Amusing
  • Creative
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  • Controversial
  • Amusing
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One for dog-lovers everywhere, this campaign out of India presents the kind of fur-raising situations that can arise when our canine friends let their love of mischief or sheer animal impulses get the better of their judgment. The one-minute footage is a gentle reminder of how easily accidents happen, and how severely such an accident to a pet can impact on a family's happiness - not to mention finances,these days. The company behind it, Future Generali, used 14 dogs for the spot - in which, of course, no animals were harmed - and created the hashtag #OhMyDog to drive home the point in tongue-in-cheek style. India is estimated to stand at No 7 in the dog ownership rankings, with the USA at No 1 and the UK at NO 9 in terms of sheer numbers. While pet ownership soared in many countries during the Covid situation, and the world's largest nations such as the USA, Russia and China are big on pet parenting, the treatment and welfare of animals varies from country to country, and according to prevailing situations - not always in the pets' favour, unfortunately. What do you think of this campaign's approach to promoting pet insurance services? Does it strike a positive chord?

Keywords: Future Generali India, pet insurance India, FG Dog Health Coverage, dog insurance, funny ads, pet parents, Mullen Lintas


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