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Victoria's Secret less defined than it used to be

Victoria's Secret less defined than it used to be by Tree Elven on 04/10/2022
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Women's lingerie chain Victoria's Secret takes another step in the direction of.... hm, what exactly? The brand that made its name and fortune with a walk-in blend of glamour and accesibility has turned against the traditional notions of female beauty that defined it, and is now posing more conceptual and often unanswerable questions in its quest for a new brand image. What do you think of this campaign, called 'Undefinable'? Maybe that's the way you like it, maybe you think it's just brand-wagoning, maybe you're only looking at the underwear anyway, or maybe you find it hard-hitting and/or inspiring.

Keywords: Victoria's Secret Undefinable, women's lingerie, Harley Weir, body image, women's underwear, brand image, female beauty, Look Creative Agency


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