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Upscale jewelry designer puts fresh twist on 'lockdown'

Upscale jewelry designer puts fresh twist on 'lockdown' by Tree Elven on 08/12/2020
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We've probably all seen or used a carabiner even if we didn't (like me) know the name until now: it's a lock or shackle device composed of a metal loop with a spring-loaded gate used to quickly and reversibly connect components, especially in safety-critical situations like rock-climbing. High-end New York-based jeweler Marla Aaron - who made headlines a couple of years ago when she took to selling her designs through vending machines as well as classy boutiques - has fashioned an entire collection of carabiner locks that can be interlocked, combined or split up and worn in various ways. "Once I realized that I could morph the shape of a hardware store carabiner in a myriad of ways, the collection became a reality," explains the hardware and engineering fan. Made of precious metals, some with sparkling stone embellishments, the jewelry devices bring a whole new meaning to the term 'lockdown' in this humorous stop-motion seasonal message. “We decided to ‘humanize’ the Locks this year," says Aaron. "For me they have always had personalities, so I wanted to see them do human things--be silly because we need silly now more than ever." She refers to the widepsread restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 coronavirus situation, explaing that the playful campaign is "a way for us to put something joyful into the world.” Have they succeeded?

Keywords: Marla Aaron jewelry, Christmas 2020 ads, unusual jewellery, stop motion ads, lockdown humor, Tai Li Wu, Something Different agency


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