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UK fintech app paints motivational picture to improve credit score

UK fintech app paints motivational picture to improve credit score by Tree Elven on 03/01/2023
  • Amusing
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  • Controversial
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Credit scores have become an established part of life for most people wanting to buy a car or a home, or any number of other activities. They're based on an estimation for lenders of how 'credit-worthy' - a term which raises hackles among sceptics - individuals might be in terms of paying off mortgages and other loans. While it may look like common sense from the lender's point of view, there's increasing discontent with the impersonality of the system and its susceptibility to exploitation, not to mention the anomaly of those who don't borrow money not 'ranking'... In Britain, an app called TotallyMoney challenges the notion that testing your credit score is a bit of a laugh, and sets out to align with those who are struggling financially on how to improve their situation. Stressing that it's not a money lender but a credit broker, the brand says that it's "on a mission to help everyone move their finances forward. Our focus is on the 20 million UK adults who are otherwise overlooked and under-served by the financial services industry. We understand the needs of real people and the challenges facing them". What do you think of the ad's gently-coloured animation and encouraging message of 'You'll totally get there'? Just another creepy illustration of financial sharks out to control people via digital devices, unemotional algorithms, and condescending ads? Job done in terms of reassurance, motivation, and brand recognition? Or just an emotionally engaging animation?

Keywords: TotallyMoney You'll totally get there, UK fintech app, personal finance Britain, credit scores UK, St Luke's agency


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