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Traffic Jam - sweet solution for UK drivers

Traffic Jam - sweet solution for UK drivers by Tree Elven on 19/07/2021
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As the United Kingdom negotiates the summer of staycations, real-time navigation and driving app Waze is promoting itself as the ultimate companion, pinpointing exactly where traffic jams are going to be before they even happen. It's also produced an actual, edible ‘Traffic Jam’, made from types of berries that grow along Britain’s ‘jammiest’ roads like the M1 motorway. "It was important to us that people could really get their hands on the Traffic Jam, taste it, and learn about how Waze can help them on their upcoming summer trips," says the Google subsidiary app. "If ‘making traffic jams enjoyable’ is the first thing we do in the UK, we’re excited about seeing where the next leg of the journey takes us.” Have COVID-19 restrictions compelled you to turn to Britain's roads for your holidays this year? Waze works on smartphones and tablet computers that have GPS support, providing turn-by-turn navigation information and user-submitted travel times and route details. What do you think of the ad itself? Time-wasting over-teching of life, or a sweet hook that catches your attention for a useful tool?

Keywords: Waze, Waze Traffic Jam, UK drivers, British road congestion, avoiding traffic jams in Britain, UK staycations 2021, Other agency


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