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Tiger Beer: 'You Never Roar Alone'

Tiger Beer: 'You Never Roar Alone' by Tree Elven on 08/12/2024
  • Amusing
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  • Controversial
  • Amusing
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  • Controversial
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Singapore is one of the world's most striking contrasts in terms of tradition jostling for position alongside state-of-the-art technology and architecture. What do you think of this ad for Tiger Beer, reminding us of the truth that we don't usually succeed in isolation, it's more about group effort. With personalisation on the up in our increasingly tech-driven environment, the ad portrays a blend of old and new which may seem jarring to some, exuberant to others. Founded in 1932, Tiger Beer has every reason for self-confidence: it succeeded in creating an original Asian beer in a tropical climate. Of the campaign, it says: “Our research highlighted that individual progress accelerates when you connect with family and friends, and that sharing your dreams and ambitions can give you the strength and courage to keep going. This insight inspired our latest brand evolution, which introduces the idea that progress isn't a solo act: we draw strength from the people around us who encourage us to uncage our inner Tiger. Together, the roar of their support empowers all of us individually to be bolder and unstoppable.”

Keywords: Tiger Beer 'You Never Roar Alone', Singapore commercials, Asian beer, director Romain Chassaing, LePub Singapore


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