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The world's To-Do list: Big brands take Post-Its to new heights in UN Global Goals eye-catcher

The world's To-Do list: Big brands take Post-Its to new heights in UN Global Goals eye-catcher by Tree Elven on 27/09/2021
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Writer/director Richard Curtis puts his weight behind this campaign to urge world leaders to shift from words to real action on the United Nations (UN) Global Goals. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals include ending poverty and hunger, achieving gender equality, and tackling the climate crisis. The campaign comes at a time, as Curtis says: "as consumers expect more of businesses and increasingly support those fighting for sustainability and as more and more employees expect their firms to reflect their ethics and priorities. The World’s To-Do List campaign, led by businesses, is a vivid reminder of what is needed, and how the Goals are a To-Do List we all must get done." Major companies such as Unilever, Diageo, Google, Mars, and Salesforce - representing over 700,000 employees, with a combined social media reach of over 100m - have teamed up as the 'Global Goals Business Avengers': each has become the champion of one of the 17 Global Goals, pledging to raise awareness of the Goals and take actions within their own organisations to help achieve them. What do you think of the campaign, using giant Post-It reminders projected onto the participating companies' buildings across the world? Most of us would agree it's an eye-catching initiative with a down-to-earth touch that's probably going to appeal to a broad range of viewers. Will it actually lead to meaningful, immediate change now that the big corporations are getting on board, or is it just more self-indulgent marketing from major brands desperate to show their purpose and good intentions credentials?

Keywords: UN Global Goals Post-Its, big brands Global Goals, UN 17 SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals corporates, giant Post Its campaign, Global Goals Business Avengers, purpose marketing, Karmarama


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