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The Sound of Motors set to change as Sony drives into electric vehicles

The Sound of Motors set to change as Sony drives into electric vehicles by Tree Elven on 13/01/2022
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Renowned Japanese sound and entertainment company Sony has been exploring the area of electric vehicles (EVs) since the 2020 Consumer Electronics Show (CES), and this year's edition saw the presentation of its concept Vision - S 02 sports utitility vehicle (SUV). Sony CEO, President and Chairman Kenichiro Yoshida said: “Sony is well-positioned as a ‘creative entertainment company’ to redefine mobility." That may raise immediate alarms around safety as the SUV offers 'intuitive driver interaction' with the vehicle's sound and entertainment systems as well as environmental sensors aimed at improved road safety. Just how safe will it be to have screens and sounds all around instead of being obliged to actually focus on your driving? No doubt some people can't wait to sign up for this mobile customisation of the communal space, but others will be missing the hands-on instinctiveness of the old driving experience, and/or questioning the relentless, erm, drive to over-personalisation. What's your reaction to the ad? Looks wonderful, unrealistic, selfish? This campaign is described by Sony as getting across their concept SUV's capability: "Dynamically transforming the value of mobility space according to people’s active lifestyles. VISION-S envelops occupants with a thrilling experience." Does good photography make it all right? 移動に豊かさという価値をもたらすSUV アクティブなライフスタイルに合わせて、移動空間の価値をダイナミックに変えてゆく。人々を大きな感動で包みこむVISION-S。

Keywords: Sony Vision-S 02, Sony EVs, Sony electric vehicles, concet EVs, Sony at CES 2022, personalisation of driving, 5G road safety, driving technology


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