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Tesla Optimus robot folds a shirt

Tesla Optimus robot folds a shirt by Tree Elven on 18/01/2024
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Elon Musk announced in 2021 that his company Tesla would probably have a prototype humanoid robot built by 2022. Optimus, also known as Tesla Bot, is a conceptual general-purpose robotic humanoid still under development by Tesla, Inc. It's been coming aling in literal leaps and bounds, with occasional glimpses of its capacity to sort coloured blocks, recalibrate its own arms and legs, and do a simple yoga pose. Its latest achievement - folding a shirt - brings its activity into a new focus. This footage of the bot practising its new skill appears to have been staged for release, and is sparking mixed reviews. Some scoff that they can do a darn' sight better than Optimus at this task, and what's the point of training a machine at vast expense to do this? Others point to the long term, and others still insist that the sensitivity of the bot's activity is impressive. What do you make of it all? Oh, and if you want to go and buy an Optimus, Musk has reportedly said that it will cost “much less than $20,000” once it is released. Watch this space.... Or go fold some laundry.

Keywords: Tesla bot, Optimus Tesla, Optimus folds shirt, robots, robotics, humanoid, artificial intelligence, AI


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