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Sophie Ellis-Bextor, M&S take a swipe at the Christmas spirit

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Sophie Ellis-Bextor, M&S take a swipe at the Christmas spirit by Tree Elven on 02/11/2023
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But is it a cheeky, relatable swipe or a more destructive blow? Time will tell - and maybe you'll tell us what you think here - but this one's already stirring up a storm as the avalanche of Christmas ads starts rolling. English singer and songwriter Sophie Ellis-Bextor and English-American fashion designer, entrepreneur, and television personality Tan France (best known as the fashion expert for the Netflix series 'Queer Eye', and co-host of 'Next In Fashion') star in this 'irreverent' approach, where elves - spoiler - and other cute symbols take a bit of a hammering. Judging by comments, it's set to become one of the most talked-about and controversial ads of the season as it simultaneously reminds us of the time/energy-consuming tasks we take on to create the perfect festive season while stripping things back to basics with a call to stop stressing and just do what we love for those we love. Some are loving the message to ignore what's expected, others are disgusted by the trampling of traditions. Is this seeming swipe really a restoration of the true spirit of Christmas joy, and only a blow to manufactured stress/strife?

Keywords: M&S Christmas clothing and home 2023, Christmas ads 2023, Christmas commercials 2023, Hannah Waddingham, Sophie Ellis-Bextor in ads, Tan France in commercial, Mother London agency


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