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Sexual harassment: Bronze statues show and tell

Sexual harassment: Bronze statues show and tell by Tree Elven on 08/04/2024
  • Amusing
  • Creative
  • Informative
  • Controversial
  • Amusing
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German non-profit-organisation (NGO) Terre des Femmes takes a visually striking approach to raising awareness of sexual harassment against women and girls with this 1'20" campaign. Shots of three bronze statues - The Enchanting Juliet in Munich, Mrs. Rhein at the Neptune Fountain in Berlin, and The Youth at the Hoetgerhof in Bremen - clearly show decades of touches by passers-by, underscoring the message 'Sexual harassment leaves its mark'. While some might find the images merely amusing, many will understand the deeper damage. That is the point of such a campaign, says Terre des Femmes, which is committed to human rights for girls and women. "Sexual harassment is a problem that is far too often trivialised or ignored," it stresses. "We must work together to ensure that those affected are heard and that perpetrators are held accountable." What do you think of this 'Unsilence the Violence' effort to support Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), which is held each April?

Keywords: Terre de Femmes Unsilence the Violence, female bronze statues touch, sexual harassment of women, Scholz & Friends


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