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Russia's Kontur makes business software mesmerising

Russia's Kontur makes business software mesmerising by Tree Elven on 14/10/2021
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Even for non-Russian speakers, this may well prove to be a fascinating one-minute watch. "Don't like numbers?" questions the compelling voiceover, then goes on to describe his own journey into business by studying every single detail repeatedly, then building his own company "in the rhythm of the night". The message - for Russian business software company Kontur - is relentless yet elusive. Does it do a good job of urging us to "Do it beautifully"? Kontur was set up back in 1988 and today "develops software for business, enabling easy cooperation between companies and their partners, companies and government" as well as streamlining internal processes via development and business solutions. What do you think of it? Mesmerising? Off-putting, it's a bit too mechanical and non-human? Perhaps even galvanising for those engaged in or embarking on their own business-building? Certainly it pushes home the title point "It's About The Detail"....

Keywords: Kontur "It's About Details", Kontur business software, Russian business and development software, business in Russia, Voskhod agency


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