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Retro AI: Artificial intelligence deployed for Peru's seniors

Retro AI: Artificial intelligence deployed for Peru's seniors by Tree Elven on 10/06/2021
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Peru's shopping centres Real Plaza Malls responded to the isolation suffered by some of their most loyal customers/visitors - senior citizens - during the COVID-19 crisis with this mash-up of old and new tech to keep peopl ein nursing homes connected. "Imagine not being able to go out for more than a year and understand little about technology," explains the company. "This is the case of hundreds of older adults who live in different nursing homes in Peru. That is why, at Real Plaza Malls, we developed the Retro Smart Device, a console from the '50s with artificial intelligence and commands made with them in mind." What do you think of the ad? Good to see something positive emerging from the particularly hard-hit and often ignored senior residence sector? Omg, won't I be able to get away from Google commands even in a nursing home? For goodness' sake, people need other people, not hard screens? Hey, it's a step in the right direction?

Keywords: Real Plaza Malls, Retro Smart Device, Peru, Peruvian society, artificial intelligence, AI in nursing homes, seniors and AI, Fahrenheit DDB


It's a great idea to dress the new technology in old machinery. I think using it as it was used originally would be really helpful but the voice commands might be a bit much.
Imogen Smith at 11/06/2021 14:17

Imogen Smith at 11/06/2021 14:18

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