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Rapper Wretch 32 backs UK 'Fight For Home' campaign

Rapper Wretch 32 backs UK 'Fight For Home' campaign by Tree Elven on 28/05/2021
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New research from UK housing charity Shelter indicates that 1 in 3 in Britain (34%) - some 17.5m people - are impacted by a housing emergency which has been exacerbated by the COVID crisis. What do you think of this film telling the stories of people impacted, set to a track written and performed by rapper, singer and songwriter, Wretch 32? The campaign is a throwback to the spirit of activism in which Shelter was founded in the 1960s, veering away from generic charity advertising. Does it instil a sense of urgency and fight, in your opinion? How do you respond to the rallying cry, ‘Fight for Home’? Will it help people overcome apathy and come together to fight for a solution? After more than a year of COVID-19 restrictions, is this the best time to whip up some action for real change, while so many of us are in a state of indignation? Or do you think we all have their own challenges to deal with at this point, and little energy to fight any battles?

Keywords: Shelter Fight For Home, homelessness UK, housing crisis, safe housing, British society, Who Wot Why


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