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Pirouette, pivot, park - wait, is that Kirsten Dodgen or the Hyundai Mobis?

Pirouette, pivot, park - wait, is that Kirsten Dodgen or the Hyundai Mobis? by Tree Elven on 15/01/2024
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Whichever captures your imagination more, this campaign's a treat for fans of dancer / influencer Kirsten Dodgen and/or automaker Hyundai's Mobis movement. Hyundai boasts that the e-Corner System, ADAS, and Exterior Lighting technology mean MOBION provides a new dimension of movement - and with wheels that pivot, it's hard to ignore. They've been showing off the concept at the 2024 Consumer Electronics Show (CES), which is always an attention-grabbing glimpse of tomorrow's world. "We demonstrated five major driving actions to transform inconvenient driving such as the Pivot Turn, Diagonal Drive, Zero Turn, Crab Drive, and Reverse Drive," explains Hyundai. "Applications of ADAS sensors and cutting-edge lighting technology showcased our vision to create customized mobility solutions, especially for autonomous driving environments". What do you think? Could this be the solution to tricky reverse parking situations? Do you agree that MOBIS is redefining 'movement'? Or are you more taken with the also human-centered mobility also known as choreography?

Keywords: Hyundai Mobis, MOBION, CES 2024, pivot turn, turning wheels, Hyundai CES 2024, self-driving cars, future of cars


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