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'OK Groomer' game teaches children to defeat online predators

'OK Groomer' game teaches children to defeat online predators by Tree Elven on 02/02/2023
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Belgium's Center for Missing and Sexually Exploited Children, Child Focus, has come up with an unusual new game for the hugely popular virtual platform Roblox. "Il y a un également un risque de rencontrer des prédateur dans les espaces de jeux en ligne. Armez vos enfants avec notre nouveau jeu OK Groomer, disponible gratuitement sur Roblox." Online groomers are adults who infiltrate websites and platforms popular with youngsters so as to establish contact, win trust, and gradually instigate harmful suggestions such as requests for nude photos or sexual contact. 'OK Groomer' teaches children how to spot, outwit, report or block, and ultimately defeat such predators through a series of games. The exercise is to be rolled out across schools as well as social media, with accompanying products to help parents - who are often unaware of the virtual environments their kids engage with - understand how to prevent harm. Children playing 'OK Groomer' earn familiar rewards such as badges and skins, and the product is flexible to allow the introduction of new mini-games as needed. What do you think of the ad for this initiative?

Keywords: Child Focus OK Groomer, online grooming, Belgian Child Focus, child safety online, online predators, Roblox, Wunderman Thompson


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