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Nubank tackles strange but true: The dog ate my.... credit card

Nubank tackles strange but true: The dog ate my.... credit card by Tree Elven on 23/09/2021
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"We are completely obsessed with our customers and we always try to find new ways to make them love us back", says Brazilian fintech giant Nubank. Have they scored a hit with this initiative? We can all find over-mining of our personal data irritating when it steps over the intrusiveness line, but dog lovers at least will probably forgive the data analysis involved in this: Nubank found from studying customer social media posts, reports to the bank and other data channels that more than 6,600 credit cards have been destroyed by clients' dogs. Solution? Team up with a pet company to create a credit card that's designed to attract canine mauling - Nudog, a credit card-shaped chew toy by Zee.dog. What do you think of the campaign? Good fun? Genius, my dog is Jaws on legs? Playful, I like that in a financial products company, this makes me consider changing to Nubank? The Brazilian company was named on Time's 2021 Most Influential Companies In The World list and boasts more than 40 million worldwide users.

Keywords: Nubank chew toy for dogs, Nudog commercial, dogs eat credit cards, open banking, no charges banking, Brazilian fintech, Zee.dog, Latin American ads, dog lovers Brazil


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