Multi-skin tone plasters finally appear in UK supermarkets

- Amusing
- Creative
- Informative
- Controversial
- Amusing
- Creative
- Informative
- Controversial
In a year scarred by the COVID-19 coronavirus situation, this campaign from UK supermarket Tesco stands out as an example of how an everyday development can lift the mood. At the beginning of 2020, Tesco itself said, "To be honest, it's about bl**dy time" that we saw plasters for multiple skin tones in the aisle. It broke the mould by becoming the first UK supermarket to stock such plasters, one hundred years after Earle Dickson, a US employee of Johnson & Johnson, 'invented' the humble Band-Aid by using layers of gauze and tape to treat his wife for a minor domestic injury. The idea of a self-adhesive medical dressing dates back to 1845, when two doctors, Horace Harrell Day and William H. Shecut, received a US patent for their medicated plaster. Waitrose followed in Tesco's footsteps in late 2020. What do you think of the ad? Apparently it builds on a social media message that went viral showing a man's response to using a plaster that actually matched his skin tone.
Keywords: Tesco multiple skin tone plasters, diversity, UK society, Band-Aid, history of plasters, racial diversity in Britain, diversity in health, BBH London
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