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Meta presents all singing all dancing campaign for personalised ads

Meta presents all singing all dancing campaign for personalised ads by Tree Elven on 07/04/2022
  • Amusing
  • Creative
  • Informative
  • Controversial
  • Amusing
  • Creative
  • Informative
  • Controversial
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Your response to this one is going to depend on how you feel about personalised ads in general. While most of us acknowledge that they can be very useful at times, we've also all been plagued by 'stalking' ads and commercials that follow us around touting the same pair of sandals we already bought two months ago. There are also privacy concerns around over-use of personal data to target ads to each one of us specifically. Many argue that this reduces the beauty of random, and dumbs down our own capacity to think and act for ourselves. Meta, the platform formerly known as Facebook, which owns Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp, is the tech company behind this campaign. It deploys an all singing, all dancing approach to individual desires/needs/cravings under the umbrellla 'Good Ideas Deserve To Be Found', promoting the idea that personalised ads on their pages help get small and medium businesses discovered. What do you think of the ad? Fun and colourful, I enjoyed it? One minute of my life I'll never get back? Huh, stop telling me what I want and feel,you stalkers? Great commercial as businesses that survived the Covid-crushing fight to recover?

Keywords: Meta Good Ideas Deserve To Be Found, Meta personalized ads, pros and cons of personalised ads, musical artist Peaches, Meta company ads, SMBs, Droga5 New York


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