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Mental health: Artificial intelligence depicts invisible pain

Mental health: Artificial intelligence depicts invisible pain by Tree Elven on 20/12/2022
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Belgian health insurance company Helan presents an unusual approach to its advertising with this campaign deploying artificial intelligence (AI). As the company explains: "Psychological pain is invisible to the eye and therefore often misunderstood", which is why they came up with a new initiative called 'See My Pain'. The ad shows verbal descriptions from people struggling with mental health issues being fed into and interpreted visually by AI. The aim is to make their invisible pain visible so that those around them can really see and understand how they feel. What do you think of this ad - is it in fact another step towards lack of understanding among humans, is it just a great awareness-building tool, or does it literally illustrate an important step forward in psychological approaches?

Keywords: Helan health insurance See My Pain, mental health and artificial intelligence, AI mental health solutions, health insurance ads, FamousGrey


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