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Marmite goes full puppet for first times and freshers' week

Marmite goes full puppet for first times and freshers' week by Tree Elven on 03/10/2023
  • Amusing
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  • Controversial
  • Amusing
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A lot of us in Britain are familiar with the yeasty spread Marmite, but a recent survey revealed that 43% of 18-24 year olds in the UK have never tried it. This shock horror revelation prompted the brand to get its skates on making a special effort to engage young people during freshers' week, when they're starting higher education courses and, um, expanding their horizones by trying new experiences. Made from made from by-products of beer brewing, Marmite is traditionally associated with boosting your B vitamin instake, and as traditionally a 'love it or hate it' product. What do you make of this suggestively humorous ad aimed at intriguing the uninitiated to the point of giving it a go? The dark salty spread was conceived during the late 19th century when the German scientist Justus von Liebig discovered that brewers' yeast could be concentrated, bottled and eaten - leading to the creation of specialised manufacturing plants in the UK. Introducing this particular ad campaign, the brand says: “Marmite is a brand which is embedded in UK culture, and so many of us have grown up with it. We pride ourselves on sparking debate and strong opinions and most consumers are either lovers or haters. However, when we saw the number of young adults who had never even tried it – we knew we had to do something to dare them to take the plunge and try our special spread. This campaign represents a step-change in the way we advertise Marmite – with a clear focus on driving trial and penetration. We want to recruit our next generation of lovers, and show young adults how to approach their first-time with Marmite.” Well? Love it or hate it?

Keywords: Marmite First Timers, Marmite advertising, puppets in advertising, adam&eveDDB


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