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'Lava Dog' demonstrates value of Google's Nest

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'Lava Dog' demonstrates value of Google's Nest by Tree Elven on 18/10/2021
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Tech giant Google slips into more hearts and minds with this appealing 20-second burst of advertising featuring a dog caught on camera while home alone. The canine star gets into an 'old favourite' game called Floor is Lava, bringing a very visual light touch - and deft voiceover - to the advantages of having a security system that sends out alerts when homeowners are out. Good fun? Or a nasty reminder of invasive snooping tech in the house - or even worse, a reminder of the reasons why we want/need surveillance systems in our homes? Hey, it's a bit of fun is all? Google Nest is self-described as 'a line of smart home products including smart speakers, smart displays, streaming devices, thermostats, smoke detectors, routers and security systems including smart doorbells, cameras and smart locks'. There's a clever appeal in the ad for many of us, from those who enjoy the 'Secret Life of Pets' movies right up to those who will miss a 'bus because we just have to go back and check we didn't leave the gas on before leaving the home.... However, surveillance and simply practical technical concerns continue to circulate around so-called smart home devices. What's your response?

Keywords: Google Nest Floor is Lava, Lava Dog commercial, pet welfare, smart homes, home data, home security, home surveillance, #CaughtOnNestCam


Surveillance seems like such fun when it's watching 'the secret life' of our pets or, say, the wellbeing of an infant in a crib, and logical in terms of the convenience of a "smart house." But when the comfy idea of personal security extends to governments/corporations watching and tracking us, supposedly for our own "social good," but also to fine, arrest and socially isolate or justify the denial of human rights to individuals, we are on the road to Totalitarian state. And that should be a much greater fear than the fear they use to justify their invasive methods.
ADDS User at 18/10/2021 08:31

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