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KFC's Colonel Sanders turns buff street fighter

KFC's Colonel Sanders turns buff street fighter by Tree Elven on 07/07/2023
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In this commercial for video game 'Street Fighter 6', that is.... The friendly older man image is buffed and revamped for the streets as one of the 'recipes' figuring in the new e-sport game. It's out of Canada, where the brand explains: “Right now, every brand wants to get into the world of e-sports. With the introduction of ‘Recipes’ to ‘Street FIghter 6’, we saw an opportunity to connect with gamers organically through our most iconic brand asset – and create a value exchange that’s authentic to the gameplay itself”. Early reviews indicate the new game comes fully loaded with functions to make it friendly to beginner as well as sophisticated gamers. Released for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows and Xbox Series X/S, it feaures three game modes - Fighting Ground, World Tour, and Battle Hub. What do you think of the KFC spin?

Keywords: KFC x Street Fighter 6, buff Colonel Sanders, esports, video games, gaming, gamers, fighting games, courage agency


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