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Keen on dental health? 'Share the Obsession!'

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Keen on dental health? 'Share the Obsession!' by Tree Elven on 29/09/2022
  • Amusing
  • Creative
  • Informative
  • Controversial
  • Amusing
  • Creative
  • Informative
  • Controversial
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You don't need to be a dental healthcare fanatic to enjoy this 30-second ad campaign. It deploys some light-touch visual and body language humour to highlight both its performance promotion and the amusement of over-sharers pursuing an awkward topic regardless of their audience. 'Sare the Obsession!' urges US oral health company Waterpik. "Adding a Waterpik® Water Flosser to your brushing and flossing routine can be exciting," insists the water flossing manufacturer. "Waterpik® removes leftover debris and plaque, even from hard to reach back teeth for an experience worth sharing!" Whatever your views on water flossing, teeth and TMI, do you think the ad does a good job of promoting what there is to smile about while entertaining with some common human behaviour?

Keywords: Waterpik Share the Obsession, dental water flossing, water flosser, oral healthcare, dental health, director Jordan Brady, agency 31,000 FT


I love that the creative speaks to those that already enjoy a strong oral hygiene routine and doesn't try too hard. Humor wins!
Jordan Brady at 29/09/2022 15:42

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