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Investments: Vanguard rehumanises robo advisors

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Investments: Vanguard rehumanises robo advisors by Tree Elven on 12/10/2021
  • Amusing
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In this ad for the European market, anyway. Many of us have never heard of a robo advisor before yet have been exposed to ads - or even turned to services on our smartphones - that make individual investing look like a much simpler activity than it's traditionally been presented as. Once the domain of ponderous full-page ads in the financial and trade publications, investment has hopped on the new delivery methods opened up by digital with relative agility. A major trend has been towards robo advisor platforms, which manage your investments automatically using financial advice that comes from an algorithm instead of a person. For many, the notion of avoiding a lot of the time, guesswork, and stress of owning a portfolio by using such a service can be very appealing. For travellers on the London Underground, the UK's largest digital wealth management company Nutmeg may be an example that springs to mind thanks to ubiquitous ads inside the carriages. This campaign brings US company Vanguard straight into European living-rooms with a TV ad we first spotted during a football match on a popular sports channel. What do you think of the tone of the ad? Is it good to have robo investment re-humanised via this kind of friendly, familiar imagery? Do you like the fact that Vanguard's ad is upfront as well as upbeat, carrying clear warnings about the risk involved in investing?

Keywords: Vanguard investments, robo advisors, digital wealth management, financial products advertising, AML Group


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