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Greenpeace uses Brooklyn Bridge to highlight need for strong Global Ocean Treaty

Greenpeace uses Brooklyn Bridge to highlight need for strong Global Ocean Treaty by Tree Elven on 17/08/2022
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The final negotiations for a Global Ocean Treaty at the United Nations (UN) in New York will determine the fate of the oceans for generations to come, says environmental organisation Greenpeace. The international group, which celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2021, is renowned for its headline-grabbing activism stunts. Several of the movement's nation branches put out campaigns designed to steer leaders - and the public's conscience - into awareness of and action to improve the plight of our over-fished and contaminated oceans. In this one, Greenpeace USA projects their call for action onto one of New York's iconic landmarks, the Brooklyn Bridge. While 49 countries have committed to deliver an ambitious Treaty in 2022, Greenpeace and other environmental movements continued to press hard for strong outcomes. “These negotiations are a once in a generation opportunity to protect the blue part of our blue planet," said Greenpeace. "The oceans sustain all life on Earth but for too long, we’ve neglected them. A weak Treaty, or any further delay, will maintain the broken status quo that has pushed the oceans into crisis.” The UN said the negotiations would address "marine genetic resources, including questions on benefit-sharing, measures such as area-based management tools, environmental impact assessments, capacity-building and the transfer of marine technology". The overall aim is to create a legal framework for areas of protection in international waters, and outlaw practices such as bottom trawling and mining of the seabed. What do you think of the campaign? Clever but ineffective, or a really good way to remind us all of the need for ocean sanctuaries?

Keywords: Greenpeace USA, Global Ocean Treaty, ocean sanctuaries, Treaty of the High Seas, maritime conservation, environmental activism


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