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Greenpeace hails Global Ocean Treaty as triumph

Greenpeace hails Global Ocean Treaty as triumph by Tree Elven on 10/03/2023
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Non-governmental organisation (NGO) Greenpeace is calling the new Global Ocean Treaty - signed in early March at the United Nations - 'the biggest conservation victory ever'. The international organisation, renowned for its spectacular stunts and muscular activism, points to the 5,540,513 people from around the world behind the movement to protects our oceans and the billions of people who depend on them. It also reminds us that the first Greenpeace briefing on this topic was written way back in 2005. As explained by the environmental NGO, the new Global Ocean Treaty "opens the door to the creation of a network of sanctuaries across the globe, areas where fragile ecosystems and marine life can recover and thrive, by keeping the 30×30 target – protecting 30% of the world’s oceans by 2030 – alive. Without a Treaty, there is no legal route to protecting large areas of international waters in ocean sanctuaries". While the Treaty has yet to be ratified, this video celebrates the landmark development with glimpses of some of Greenpeace's people-powered campaigns. What do you think? Nice footage, but let's see whether world leaders actually follow through; or, finally, a genuine break-through with some legal teeth to it?

Keywords: Greenpeace Global Ocean Treaty, marine conservation, UN ocean protection, oceans, environment


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