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Great Ormond Street Christmas Appeal helps sick children get 'One Step Closer To Home'

Great Ormond Street Christmas Appeal helps sick children get 'One Step Closer To Home' by Tree Elven on 17/11/2021
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A real-life patient is once again the inspiration for the Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) Children’s Charity Christmas Appeal. In the animated film, Henry, who has spent two previous Christmases at the hospital, collects stocking donations that magically help him to grow taller as he travels back to his home in Yorkshire. Henry receives specialist care at GOSH for a rare cardiac condition and has a tracheostomy and ventilation tube, which has been depicted in the film. GOSH Charity raises money to support GOSH’s urgent needs, including research into pioneering new treatments, cutting-edge medical equipment, support services for children and their families, and the essential rebuilding and refurbishment of the hospital. Money raised from the Christmas campaign will also help bring Christmas to the hospital for children across the UK whose treatment needs to continue over the festive season, making it a home from home. Set to the music track “Home to you (this Christmas)”, donated by Norwegian pop star Sigrid, Henry gathers more stockings on his journey, which he puts on to become taller and taller, eventually towering above Big Ben. Henry finally reaches home where he sleeps in his own bed, waking up to find his mum and dad standing at his bedroom door carrying his baby brother, George, and a pile of presents.

Keywords: Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) Children’s Charity, pop star Sigrid, GOSH Christmas Appeal, Christmas ads2021, helping sick children at Christmas, adam&eveDDB


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