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Gillette Venus waxes musical over the hair in your underwear

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Gillette Venus waxes musical over the hair in your underwear by Tree Elven on 01/06/2021
  • Amusing
  • Creative
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  • Controversial
  • Amusing
  • Creative
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  • Controversial
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"Better than 'Cats'" says one viewer of this one-minute musical. At ADDS, we like to keep our finger on the pulse of Taboo Topics, so this witty mini-musical tackling the stigma around pubic hair really caught our eye. "People still get a little weird about the phrase ‘pubic hair’," acknowledges the specially created website for this Gillette Venus shaving collection. "But the more we say it (or sing it), the more we’ll think to take care of it. We made a song about pubes, sung by pubes to normalize the conversation around pubic hair, and to celebrate our new regimen, Venus for Pubic Hair and Skin. It’s right there in the name, so go ahead and say it. Or sing it." What do you think of the humorous approach, with apparently innocent lines such as 'What's a curl to do?' that really come into their own in this context? As with most such intimate product lines, Venus makes no judgement on whether or not anyone should shave, it's all about removing embarrassment around an awkward topic. Does this kind of ad make the whole thing easier to talk about, or less unattractive? Or do you think less said the better on this kind of thing, it's good to know the products are out there but there's no need to make a song and dance about it? Leave a comment or mouse over the star system to rate it!

Keywords: Gillette Venus The Pube Song, women's intimate shaving, female shaving products, Taboo Topics, P&G commercials, Grey New York


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