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Gen Z 'infusions' for Boomers in the workplace

Gen Z 'infusions' for Boomers in the workplace by Tree Elven on 21/01/2025
  • Amusing
  • Creative
  • Informative
  • Controversial
  • Amusing
  • Creative
  • Informative
  • Controversial
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Dutch recruitment agency YoungCapital turns the tables on the notion that Gen Z employees are work-shy with this funky campaign. Whether you find it offensive or just amusing, it's refreshing to see an ad tackling the antagonistic tensions that seem to have sprung up between different generations in the workplace. Does it make you crave one of the 150,000 ‘gen Z infused’ BOOOMer Energy Drink cans that have been produced for the quirky campaign,or does it strike you as unpleasantly condescending? "The idea that young people don't want to work is really nonsense," says YoungCapital. "Of course, this generation views work differently - the world has changed drastically for them. For example, where you could once buy a house on a single salary, these days starters struggle even with two average incomes. This forces young people to view work differently, and they are working more than ever. With this campaign, we give that young energy a stage - a positive counter-narrative to all the complaining."

Keywords: YoungCapital Boost Your Boomer, recruitment, Gen Z in workplace, Boomers in workplace, ACE agency


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