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Foul-mouthed mayfly won over by Oatly

Foul-mouthed mayfly won over by Oatly by Tree Elven on 26/08/2021
  • Amusing
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  • Controversial
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(Warning: contains strong language). Swedish oat milk brand Oatly has built a reputation on minimal advertising, or homemade marketing. What do you make of this new foray into humour, using puppets of animals proving practically impossible to work with on the campaign set? The food company produces alternatives to dairy products from oats, with the aim of providing maximum nutritional value alongside minimal environmental damage. Critics point to the fact that the high level of processing involved transforms the complex starch of oats into refined carbohydrates or simple sugars which are worse for human health than the complex carbohydrates. That hasn't stopped the simply packaged and presented brand - endorsed by celebrities including talk-show presenter Oprah Winfrey - from surging right up the milk alternative rankings, boosted by health-, eco- and animal welfare-conscious consumers keen to cut back on or cut out dairy products in their diet. In 2021 it launched a successful initial public offering (IPO) on Nasdaq, and made its way into the US outlets of popular coffee-shop chain Starbucks. In the same year, Oatly's claim of copyright infringement against a British farm's Pure Oaty was crushed in the courts. Are you enjoying the mayfly ad, or is it a but, erm, tasteless?

Keywords: Oatly Made for Hoomans, Oatly mayfly ad, puppets in ads, Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg, animation in ads, Oatly commercial


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