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'Food to Feel Good About' dishes up some good nature

'Food to Feel Good About' dishes up some good nature by Tree Elven on 20/09/2022
  • Amusing
  • Creative
  • Informative
  • Controversial
  • Amusing
  • Creative
  • Informative
  • Controversial
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British supermarket Waitrose promotes its credentials as a responsible supplier which cares about provenance and animal welfare as well as taste and value for the customers. What do you think of the ad? It's not without somelight touches underscoring why some things are best done by hand, or carried on as per tradition. However, it also hops on the current trend for plant-based foods. It comes amid worldwide protests over new government measures ostensibly to reduce carbon and other emissions, putting farmers' livelihoods under increasing pressure. Do you like the approach to food consumption presented in this ad?

Keywords: Waitrose Food to Feel Good About, British supermarket, food sustainabiity, animal welfare, good farming conditions, UK eating habits, Jamie Demetriou, adam&eveDDB


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