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Filter Caps put cleaner water in Colombian hands

Filter Caps put cleaner water in Colombian hands by Tree Elven on 24/06/2024
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This initiative by the Colombian Red Cross with the Baylor Foundation illustrates how a simple bottle cap can be re-imagined and re-purposed for massive impact. In this case, bright minds have devised a way of filtering water through a cap, providing drinkable water for those in outlying areas where inadequate infrastructure can lead to disease. The creators explain that "Filter Caps were created via 3D printing, and are made from sweet corn starch-based resin—a sustainable and biodegradable option—which considerably reduces dependence on conventional plastics". What do you think of the campaign? En Colombia, casi 4 millones de personas que viven en zonas desérticas no tienen acceso a agua potable. En este contexto, Ogilvy Colombia y el Grupo Filsa junto a la Fundación Baylor, desarrollaron los "Filter Caps", innovadores filtros biodegradables que utilizan tecnología de impresión 3D y componentes como la resina de almidón de maíz para procesar más de 720.000 litros de agua anualmente. Con el apoyo de la Cruz Roja Colombiana, se distribuirán 1.000 filtros beneficiando a 10.000 personas. La colaboración busca abordar la falta de acceso al agua potable, mejorar la calidad de vida y promover soluciones sostenibles y accesibles para estas comunidades.

Keywords: Filter Caps, Colombian Red Cross, Baylor Foundation, drinking water Latin America, Ogilvy Colombia


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