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Fast food king acknowledges 'even more confusing times' we live in

Fast food king acknowledges 'even more confusing times' we live in by Tree Elven on 27/04/2022
  • Amusing
  • Creative
  • Informative
  • Controversial
  • Amusing
  • Creative
  • Informative
  • Controversial
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If you like your humour deeply superficial, this campaign from fast food Burger King might appeal. Sly cultural references and amusing visual tie-ins form the imagery for an ad that will actually strike a deep chord in many of us. Life is confusing. What does it mean to be 'good' at anything? Hm, gosh, it's confusing. Founded in the USA in 1953, Burger King is sufficiently mature to be able to stand back from passing fads and fancies and take a broader look at what life's really all about. In this case, all the irony comes down to the promotion of the outlet's new chicken nuggets, which are in fact plant-based rather than involving any chicken. A passing fad, a clever ad, neither or both? Truth is, most of us can relate to both humour and the addictive appeal of continuity in an age of change....

Keywords: Burger King Even More Confusing Times ad, plant-based fast food, meat free chicken nuggets, Burger King plant based chicken nuggets, funny ads, David Madrid agency


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