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Equal Pay Day 'dick handshakes' campaign lampoons trust symbolism

Equal Pay Day 'dick handshakes' campaign lampoons trust symbolism by Tree Elven on 14/03/2023
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  • Controversial
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Equal Pay Day was established to symbolise how far into the current year women must work to earn what men earned in the previous year. The date varies each year according to the latest available statistics, but usually indicates between two and three extra months of work to represent the fact that women are generally paid lower wages than men. Of course, the figures themselves and how they are presented, are mechanisms open to interpretation, but the drive to establish parity continues. What do you think of this campaign, which moots the notion that men trust each other simply because they are men, i.e. have a penis? The slang term 'dick' is used to mean both penis, and perjoratively to signify that someone is unpleasant or stupid. Hence the aptness of the soundtrack song which accompanies the striking visuals around women being excluded from this particular circle of trust. Whether you think this ad is hilarious, or offensive, or something else entirely, feel free to have your say here - ADDS was created to encourage public discussion around advertising and marketing campaigns.

Keywords: Equal Pay Day, pay parity, women paid less than men, pay equality, Czar.BE, mortierbrigade


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