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Emirates 'flight attendant' embodies feeling on top of the world

Emirates 'flight attendant' embodies feeling on top of the world by Tree Elven on 19/08/2021
  • Amusing
  • Creative
  • Informative
  • Controversial
  • Amusing
  • Creative
  • Informative
  • Controversial
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'Omg, is that for real?' was the reaction of so many of us when we saw this 30-second ad for Emirates Airline. Featuring what looked like one of their flight attendants holding up a series of cards spelling out how the news of going on the UK's COVID-related 'amber' list made the airline feel, the campaign garnered plenty of attention. Most of it admiring, especially with the physically intrepid and those into extreme sports. Inevitably, it's not so appealing for everyone, but even those who can't actually watch the stunt because it affects them too much would be hard put to it to criticise its virtuosity. What do you think? The simplicity of words and image, entirely stripped of special effects, animation or other creative tools, makes this an instant classic? Oh gosh, that's awful, I'll never fly Emirates again? And if you're wondering in this age of not being able to believe even what we see any more, the airline quickly followed up with behind-the-scenes footage of how the stunt ad was made. Skydiving instructor Nicole Smith Ludvik is the lady showing what it looks like to feel on top of the world, on the Burj Khalifa tower in Dubai, UAE.

Keywords: Emirates Airline On Top Of The World, stunt ads, Dubai travel, stuntwomen, Emirates lady on top of burj khalifa, Nicole Smith Ludvik


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