Electric cars - better for everyone?
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Volkswagen presents its new all-electric ID.4 SUV in a mesmerising 1'30" spin through the history of the wheel. Car manufacturers across the globe are in the race to come up with the 'best' electric cars and electric batteries as part of the perceived fight to roll back climate change. Though it's fairly generally agreed that over a lifetime, such vehicles produce less carbon emissions than a petrol or diesel-propelled automobiles, there are less visible concerns about the environmental impact of producing them. While 'clean, green and sustainable' credentials are made reassuringly visible to the first world countries where sales are highest, the other side of the coin is that the raw materials needed to manufacture electric cars and batteries are mostly produced in developing countries - as explained in this United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTD) report: https://unctad.org/news/developing-countries-pay-environmental-cost-electric-car-batteries . On the plus side, eco-friendly and other drivers will be relieved to hear that new fast-charge batteries on coming in the next few years, making it easy to 'fill up' almost as quickly as with a petrol or diesel vehicle, and reducing 'range anxiety' as the upcoming batteries make it possible to travel much longer distances without running out of puff. Meantime, what do you think of the VW ad? Nice change from the usual car ad? Or would you actually like to know about the vehicle's tech tools and voice technology?
Keywords: Volkswagen ID.4 SUV, VW electric cars, electric car batteries, climate change, carbon emissions, auto manufacture, Johaness Leonardo
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