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Earth Definition: Want to help the planet? Stop streaming HD high definition

Earth Definition: Want to help the planet? Stop streaming HD high definition by Tree Elven on 30/08/2021
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Many of us are keen to reduce the negative impact of our daily actions on the environment, yet blissfully unaware of our own digital footprint. We're not talking about the trail of personal data left by every tiny interaction with our devices that can provide money-making nuggets of behaviour information to third parties of all types, but about the actual physical impact on the environment. This two-minute animation by British-born director Simon Robson sets out the consequences of our content streaming habits with high definition (HD) impact, using standard definition (SD) techniques for the visualisation and calling for us all to swap to SD viewing. The campaign also re-defines SD as 'Earth Definition'. What do you think? Wow, I had no idea, that's an easy swap to make? Oh, individual actions don't really make any difference and I prefer HD? Great to have these obvious, do-able solutions made available so that we can all escape the feeling of helplessness and actually make a difference? Robson says he took a low-fi approach to the project for the Earth Day movement so as to create in the viewer "that sense of optimism you get when an idea is cool and new. It’s the start of something, of asking less of our pixels for the sake of the planet."

Keywords: EarthDay.org, Earth Definition, Simon Robson North Boy South, hacks to reduce your digital impact, ecoconscious digital behaviour, digital footprint, streaming impact of environment, environmental impact of streaming, Hjaltelin Stahl agency


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