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Dove tackles toxic teen beauty advice with 'Detox Your Feed'

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Dove tackles toxic teen beauty advice with 'Detox Your Feed' by Tree Elven on 29/04/2022
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Digital natives commonly report they'd rather 'insert dramatic event' than lose their 'smartphone. For the younger generations, digital devices represent the connection we all need. Increasingly, we see how they also represent disconnection as our gaze goes to the screen rather than staying present with our real-life surroundings. Some reports indicate that teenagers spend as long as seven hours a day on electronic devices. Inevitably, the media they are exposed to has an effect. According to skincare company Dove, has long campaigned for more realistic definitions of beauty for women and girls, about 50% of girls themselves believe that social media consumption can lead to low self-esteem. This campaign, which takes the form of a short dcoumentary-style film, continues the Dove tradition of identifying and then challenging the kind of body image representations in the media which can do a lot of harm to mental and physical wellbeing. It's an eye-opener for the mothers who took part. What do you think of it? The idea is to encourage girls to #DetoxYourFeed, i.e. recognise and curate out damaging tips and advice from the constant stream of social media messages; and take control of your own well-being. Does the footage bring some new points to your attention?

Keywords: Dove Self-Esteem Project, Dove Detox your feed, toxic beauty tips, teen girls body image, digital distortion, Ogilvy


Powerful campaign! Right on!
ADDS User at 20/05/2022 12:17

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