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Diablo IV launches with atmospheric Open Beta in mediaeval gothic cathedral

Diablo IV launches with atmospheric Open Beta in mediaeval gothic cathedral by Tree Elven on 07/03/2023
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What do you think of this trailer, fuelling anticipation for the release of the latest instalment in hit gothic video game series 'Diablo IV'? The promoters took over a mediaeval gothic cathedral in France and adorned its ceiling and walls with a 160-foot long, Renaissance-inspired mural. Adam Miller, whose Baroque-style paintings have been shown in galleries around the world, was the artist behind the 20 unique paintings installed in the de-consecrated cathedral’s dome and vaulted ceiling, as well as a vast mural covering its back wall. And you may recognise the voice of actor Charles Dance ('Game of Thrones'). Livening up the promotion is the opportunity for every gamer who jumps into the Open Beta in the launch month of March to be selected and painted into their own scene as a Diablo hero battling Lilith’s evil. Each will then receive a video of Adam painting them into the art. How's that for creative marketing?

Keywords: Diablo IV trailer, gothic video game, gamers, videogames, Lilith in Diablo IV, artist Adam Miller, Blizzard Entertainment, 72andSunny


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