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China Covid lockdowns: IKEA, Shanghai Chamber Quartet address mental health harms

China Covid lockdowns: IKEA, Shanghai Chamber Quartet address mental health harms by Tree Elven on 24/10/2022
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While many of the worst global Covid restrictions were lifted over the course of 2022, some travel remained affected and pockets of lockdown persisted. China continued to operate mass lockdowns as part of its strategy. As increasing numbers of studies emerged worldwide, indicating that the damage inflicted by lockdowns on mental health was deeper and harsher than previously reported in mainstream media, Swedish home outfitters IKEA got together with the popular Shanghai Chamber Quartet to highlight the issue in China. As we can all relate to, families confined to small spaces in urban environments were/are the worst affected. What do you think of this campaign by IKEA, which attempts to blend understanding with a message of hope and positivity?

Keywords: IKEA China, IKEA Dining Table, Covid lockdowns China 2022, Shanghai Chamber Quartet, mental health China, lockdown damage, Covid lockdowns and mental health


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