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Conversation stoppers: Suggestive bank ads turn the tables

Conversation stoppers: Suggestive bank ads turn the tables by Tree Elven on 09/06/2021
  • Amusing
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A Canadian bank has put out a series of cheeky ads reflecting the reality of many people's senior lifestyle. This one, 'Sore Back', will strike chords with parents and grown-up children alike. What do you think of the light touch taken by HomeEquity Bank? The campaign turns the tables on the traditionally condescending or simply uninterested approach taken by advertising towards anyone over the age of youth. Set up in 2018, HomeEquity Bank offers reverse mortgages enabling Canadian homeowners aged 55 and over to acess up to 55% of the value of their home, and is - not unexpectedly - growing fast. Do you think the campaign gets across the point about the real value of our homes - i.e. that many of us, as supported by research done by the bank, want to stay put and retire in the homes we love? From our own experiences, we probably don't need research to prove that many 55+ people enjoy good health, a comfortable lifestyle, thriving business savvy, and/or a wicked sense of humour, among other attributes. Does the ad trigger your interest or give you pause for thought when it comes to retirement and financial planning?

Keywords: HomeEquityBank, reverse mortgages, Canadian retirees, retirement in Canada, retirement planning, financial planning for seniors, Zulu Alpha Kilo


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