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Coldplay, Brian Eno, Sleaford Mods join ClientEarth for climate action Playlists

Coldplay, Brian Eno, Sleaford Mods join ClientEarth for climate action Playlists by Tree Elven on 19/04/2021
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Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 each year to mark the beginning of the modern environmental movement, with the first such day in 1970. The organisation EARTH.ORG describes itself as "the world’s largest recruiter to the environmental movement, working with more than 75,000 partners in over 190 countries to drive positive action for our planet." This campaign by environmental law charity ClientEarth was created for the 2021 Earth Day, whose theme of 'Restore our Earth' was chosen to focus on reducing humanity's environmental footprint and fixing damage already done to the planet. Ahead of the global COP26 climate summit scheduled to take place in Glasgow, UK in November 2021, and in the same week as a virtual summit headed up by U.S. President Joe Biden, ClientEarth joined forces with musicians, record labels and festivals to reframe the climate discussion through uniquely curated playlists. What do you think of the Playlists endeavour? Musical luminaries including Brian Eno, Patagonia, Coldplay, Anna Calvi, alt-J, and Sleaford Mods have contributed, and each song title makes a point about climate change. Effective way to get more of us thinking/discussing/acting on this issue?

Keywords: ClientEarth Playlists, Earth Day 2021, Coldplay, Brian Eno, Sleaford Mods, music for climate action, climate crisis, FRED & FARID New York


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